Tuesday, 4 March

Trump has become the third president in US history to be impeached

The US House of Representatives voted for President Donald J. Trump’s impeachment on two charges – abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Thus, Trump has become the third president in US history to be impeached.

Predictably, the results proved partisan: Democratic majority voted for impeachment, while the Republican minority voted against it.

The House passed the first article of impeachment, accusing Trump of abusing his power, on a 230–197 vote. Interestingly, Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard abstained. The House then passed the second article, obstruction of Congress, with 229 against 198 votes.

Now, Trump will face a Senate trial. With a Republican majority, however, it is highly unlikely that the 45th president will be removed from office.

Donald Trump has also used his favorite tool – Twitter – to comment on the situation. “SUCH ATROCIOUS LIES BY THE RADICAL LEFT, DO NOTHING DEMOCRATS. THIS IS AN ASSAULT ON AMERICA, AND AN ASSAULT ON THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!!” he wrote in all capitals.