
Бывший муж Меган Маркл женится: фото невесты

Она сказала "Да!"

Бывший муж герцогини Сассекской Меган Маркл кинопродюсер Тревор Энгельсон сделал предложение своей девушке Трейси Курланд.

Об этом Энгельсон сообщил у себя на соцстраничке, но позже закрыл запись, пишут СМИ.

Так, кинопродюсер поделился фотографией с будущей женой, на безымянном пальце которой блестит обручальное кольцо с большим бриллиантом.

"Самый счастливый парень, которого я знаю! Приготовьтесь к вечеринке!" – подписал он фото.

Трейси Курланд 31 год, она — диетолог. Встречается пара уже год.

Meghan Markle’s Ex-Husband is Engaged Now that Meghan Markle has officially tied the knot, it’s time for her ex-husband, Trevor Engelson, to have his turn. Engelson is engaged to his health expert girlfriend, Tracey Kurland. The film producer reportedly shared the news on his Instagram account posting a photo of the couple with the caption, “Luckiest guy I know! Get ready to party!” Like Markle, this would be the second marriage for Engelson, who began dating the former “Suits” star in 2004 and they wed nearly seven years later in the Jamaica Inn in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, in 2011. But the then-couple quietly divorced just two years later. Engelson and Markle lived in Los Angeles together during the beginning of their marriage, but Markle soon made the move to Toronto to shoot her USA series. The distance reportedly put a strain on the couple’s marriage and they cited irreconcilable differences as the reasoning for their split. “The split with Meghan hit Trevor pretty hard. He went through a rough time during the breakup and that was only made worse when Meghan got together with Harry last year,” a source revealed following Markle and Prince Harry’s royal engagement announcement. “He had to re-live it all again — this time in public. It wasn’t the most amicable of divorces and there were hurt feelings on both sides. Now he has bounced back and things are looking great for him.” And though Engelson has moved on from his relationship with the now Duchess of Sussex, the TV producer was said to have pitched a TV series about loosely based on his relationship with Markle and her marriage into the British royal family. But the 41-year-old has since pulled the plug on the idea after reportedly talking to some of Markle’s friends. “Trevor’s project is currently on hold after several months of anguish for Meghan. “The plan was for the series to come out during the aftermath of the royal wedding later this summer, but things have changed.” #meghanmarkle #husband #engaged #trevorengelson #relationship #marriage #british #royal #royalwedding #family #wedding #hollywood #celebrity

Публикация от Instablog USA (@instablogus)

Кстати, вскоре после развода с Энгельсоном у Маркл случился роман с Рори Макилроем, суперпопулярным ирландским гольфистом, который попал в топ самых высокооплачиваемых знаменитостей моложе 30 лет.

Но ему Меган в итоге предпочла звездного шеф-повара Кори Витиелло, которого называют канадским Гордоном Рамзи. Американские СМИ со ссылкой на друзей актрисы уверяют, что это были единственные отношения Меган, похожие на настоящую любовь. К слову, Витиелло и Маркл пришлось расстаться именно из-за принца Гарри, за которого Меган вышла замуж.

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