Sunday, 2 June

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The long-awaited exchange of prisoners took place: 75 military and civilians returned to Ukraine. Photos and videos

​On Friday, May 31, Ukraine managed to return 75 more military and civilians from enemy captivity

The death toll has risen: photos, video and all the details of the strike on a 5-story building in Kharkiv

Head of the Kharkiv RMA wrote that the total death toll from the Russian terrorist attack is 5 people. The rescue and search operation continues, as four more residents may be under the rubble

The New UK Government to Position Itself as a ‘Safe Pair of Hands’ - British Professor Simon Mabon

London is preparing for early elections to the House of Commons, after which a new Prime Minister will be elected. Most likely, it will be a representative of the Labour Party.

Europe Wants to Pay Ukrainians Abroad: but What about Those Living under Bombs?

Europe is considering the possibility of providing financial assistance to Ukrainians abroad. But is it fair to those who haven't left Ukraine during the war?


Crossing New 'Red Line': When US to Greenlight Missile Strikes on Russia?

Western discourse shifts towards authorizing missile strikes on Russian territory

Next to Putin: How Will the Trial jf Israel's Leadership End?

The decision of the International Criminal Court is unprecedented. Equally significant is the reaction from the West.

Getting Closer to the EU: Will Kyiv Find the Key to the "Hungarian castle"

There is uncertainty surrounding Budapest's position regarding Ukraine's European future. Kyiv's task is to resolve this issue as promptly as possible.

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