Sunday, 2 February

Ukraine can be a strategically important ally for the United States - Yuri Vanetik

The American political consultant, lawyer Yuri Vanetik, revealed what we can expect from the meeting of the US President Joe Biden and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

He wrote about it in his column in the American media platform,

In his article Yuri Vanetik points out that President Biden may become deeply uncomfortable after only seven months of his presidency mostly due to the fiasco in Afghanistan. President Biden needs a political breakthrough, and his new ally in Ukraine can help him, when the two leaders meet in the White House.

"The two leaders, at their meeting set for next Wednesday the 1th, should agree to start erecting a stronger strategic alliance between their two countries, aimed at reforming and boosting Ukraine’s lagging economy and bolstering its defenses as a counterweight to their mutual rival—Russian Federation," points out Vanetik.

Фото: Forbes

The American political expert also notes that after the fall of Afghanistan, Russia and China are open to cordial relations with the Taliban, and Russia is overly friendly with Iran, a dangerous agent of terrorism, and now also a friend of the Taliban.

" It’s us against them, and Ukraine can be a strategically important ally for us," says Yuri Vanetik.

He notes that the U.S. can assist Ukraine in attracting investments, especially from companies with a global name, especially in the field of energy.

The Ukrainian oligarchy, which controls a large part of the society, could be at the head of this productive cooperation. American political consultant Vanetik proposes a limited but precise amnesty program for the Ukrainian business elite in order to entice them to pay taxes and take social obligations for their factories, trading centers and pipelines.

In conclusion, Yuri Vanetik says that America needs a new friend, and Ukraine can become that friend.