Friday, 5 July

Все материалы по теме

Кто попал под новые санкции США против России: список компаний и лиц / В санкционный список США против России попали ряд компаний и физических лиц.

2021-04-15 16:26

В России резко отреагировали на мощные санкции США и перешли к угрозам / Россия угрожает ответом на жесткие санкции США, указ о введении которых подписал президент Джо Байден.

2021-04-15 15:55

President of the European Council made an official statement following his meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky / European Council President Charles Michel believes that Russia is to blame for disrupting the implementation of the Minsk Agreements.

2021-03-2 15:55

Украина передала Евросоюзу новый список санкций против России / Украина передала Европейскому Союзу список санкций против России.

2021-02-26 17:26

The U.S. Treasury has updated the sanctions imposed against the Nord Stream-2 constructions / On Monday, February 22, the U.S. Treasury Department included Nord Stream 2 pipelayer in the sanctions list, as was reported by the DW news agency.

2021-02-23 07:52

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borell paid an official visit to Russia and held a meeting with Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov / Josep Borell paid a “complicated visit to Moscow’ to test, through principled diplomacy, whether the Russian government was interested in addressing differences and reversing the negative trend in EU-Russia relations.

2021-02-7 22:37

PACE ratifies the credentials of the Russian Federation / On Thursday, January 28, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) debated the issue of the Russian delegation credentials to PACE, as was reported by the press service of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

2021-01-28 11:45

The European Union has extended economic sanctions against the Russian Federation / The Council of the European Union has extended economic sanctions against Russia expiring on January 31 for six months due to the situation in Eastern Ukraine, as was reported by the press-service of the Council of the European Union.

2020-12-17 18:52

The European Council has made the decision to prolong the economic sanctions against Russia / The heads of states and governments of the European Union member states have given political consent to the continuation of economic sanctions against the Russian Federation.

2020-12-11 10:31

The EU is going to impose new sanctions against Russia: details / For the first time, the European Union may impose sanctions against the Russian Federation and China for spreading fake information aimed to improve the image of these countries in the light of the spread of COVID-19.

2020-11-30 20:19