Sunday, 16 June

Материалы с тегом "War" – страница 10

The enemy uses prohibited weapons: a vacuum bomb was dropped on Okhtyrka again
The enemy began to drop vacuum bombs on the territory of the city of Okhtyrka in the Sumy region. These munitions are prohibited by the Geneva Convention in everything.

Detailed map of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 28
A detailed interactive map of Russia's invasion of Ukraine as of February 28 is available online. The map was prepared by the resource

The Ukrainian delegation arrived to hold the negotiations with the Russian Federation
A Ukrainian delegation has begun talks with Russian representatives as Moscow faces the impact of harsher Western economic sanctions over its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine four days ago.

Russian militants went on the offensive: Ukraine’s Armed Forced have suffered losses
On Tuesday, February 18, Russian militants went on the offensive, attacking Ukraine’s Armed Forces in the Donbas and attempting to break the front line.

Trump threatens to target Iran's cultural sites as Iran calls for retaliation
Thousands of mourning Iranians came to the funeral of Qasem Soleimani, head of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force and the country's most powerful general.

Zelensky's team named potential timings for the next prisoner exchange
According to the information revealed after Volodymyr Zelensky and Vladimir Putin's phone call on December 31, a new prisoner exchange between Ukraine and Russia may occur later this winter.

Ukraine is going to buy powerful weapons from the United States: details
Ukraine has signed contracts on delivery of the second batch of Javelin anti-tank missile systems from the US, as was stated by Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Defense Anatolii Petrenko during the briefing.

Russia announced a potential date for prisoner exhange
The prisoner exchange between Ukraine and pro-Russian militants of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics is scheduled for December 29.

Mike Pompeo reiterated to Russia's Sergei Lavrov that Crimea is a part of Ukraine
US President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during the latter's visit to Washington on December 10.

President Zelensky’s office denied a possibility of Ukraine’s federalization
President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office stated that the President is definitely against Ukraine’s federalization, standing for the unity and integrity of Ukrainian territories, as Zelensky’s aide Andriy Yermak told LB.

US senators request the release of $250 million in authorized military aid to Ukraine
A bipartisan group of senators appealed to the Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney with a request to release $250 million in authorized military security assistance for Ukraine.

Poroshenko accused Zelensky’s team of shooting Ukraine’s army in the back
The fifth President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stated that Volodymyr Zelensky’s team “shot Ukrainian army in the back” with their decision to liquidate the Committee on Veterans Affairs in the Parliament.

Aviation and nuclear weapons: Zelensky’s team on Russia preparing for a large-scale war
Russia has several scenarios for the development of armed aggression against Ukraine in the coming years, as reported by “Radio Svoboda” with a reference to a recent statement made by the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

They are hiding tanks and "Grads": the new provocation of militants in Donbass was revealed
On Wednesday, July 17, the special monitoring mission of the OSCE found 22 reactive systems of volley fire BM-21 "Grad" near the village of Crystal (Luhansk region).

The anniversary of MH17 tragedy in Donbas: key facts, photo and video
On July 17 of 2014, the militants shot down a passenger plane Boeing-777 on flight MH17 in the Donetsk region sky.

Supplies of armored vehicles from Canada: Ukraine identified two main problems
Firstly, Ukraine does not have ammunition for Canadian armored vehicles, which Ukrainian Armed Forces intend to purchase.

Avenging the medics: video of Ukrainian Armed Forces destroying two militant “nests”
In response to shelling of a medical car, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed two illegal militant positions in the Joint Forces Operation zone.

Not firing back: OSCE supported Kuchma’s scandalous plan on Donbas
The OSCE welcomes the resumption of the working atmosphere at the last meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group on the peaceful settlement of the situation in the east of Ukraine.