Friday, 28 June

Maria Shvets – страница 12

News feed editor. I work as journalist and editor since 2011. I always try to find something interesting in news and make it accessible to our readers Facebook

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Ukrainian defenders dislodge Russians who broke through to the outskirts of Orlivka: what is happening on the war front / The AFU Commander-in-Chief spoke about the situation on the battlefield

2024-02-29 10:06

Russians hit Kupyansk with aerial bombs: there are casualties, people may be under the rubble / On Wednesday, Feb. 28, Russian occupants shelled Kupyansk with guided aerial bombs, killing and injuring people

2024-02-28 15:06

"Russia understood everything": what does Macron's statement on sending troops to Ukraine mean / ​Russia is frightened by Emmanuel Macron's statement about sending French troops to Ukraine and will consider it as the deployment of NATO troops

2024-02-28 14:22

Ukrainian military caught on camera UFO in the warzone: what could it be, video / Ukrainian military captured a disc-shaped and completely silent UFO

2024-02-28 12:43

Russia prepares for China's attack: secret data on nuclear exercises has emerged / Russia trained various scenarios of a Chinese invasion and practiced the use of tactical nuclear weapons in case of necessity

2024-02-28 10:29

The destruction of Russian aircraft continues: Ukrainian Armed Forces have downed another enemy fighter-bomber / Ukrainian troops shoot down another Russian fighter-bomber Su-34 on the eastern direction

2024-02-27 11:38

There is a "Plan B": Ukraine will get assistance in purchasing ammunition from outside the EU / The West may involve third countries to supply ammunition to the AFU

2024-02-27 10:26

Meeting of epochs: the network remembered the iconic photo of Khreshchatyk in the 1920s / An archival photo capturing the "meeting of epochs" - a horse and buggy and an electric tram - was published online

2024-02-22 05:15

Russia has found new loopholes to circumvent sanctions: two more countries have emerged / ​Russian companies are offered to use Vietnam and Indonesia for business registration and financial transactions to bypass the sanctions imposed by the West

2024-02-21 14:30

Poles completely stopped the entry of buses and cars: list of blocked checkpoints / Polish protesters completely blocked three checkpoints on the border with Ukraine

2024-02-20 15:58