Sunday, 16 June

Putin asked Xi not to go to Switzerland: details of the dictator's visit to China
Russian dictator Vladimir Putin asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to refuse to participate in the Peace Summit

China refused to attend Peace Summit: what were its conditions
​China has confirmed that it will not attend a Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland due to the absence of Russian representatives

China has created a killer robot dog: the mechanism was tested on the battlefield in Ukraine. Video
Rifle-toting robot dogs can be controlled remotely. It can walk, jump, lie down, and move

A 165 million-year-old dragonfly fossil was found in China. Photo
Archaeologists have found dragonfly fossil that is about 165 million years old in northern China in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Xi Jinping meets with Putin: main statements following the talks
Xi Jinping noted that his nation is ready to work with Russia as a good neighbour, friend and partner with mutual trust

Before his visit to China, Putin spoke about negotiations with Ukraine and set new conditions
Vladimir Putin made another cynical statement about Russia's ‘readiness for negotiations’ under the condition that the current front line is maintained, without the withdrawal of Russian troops

Chinese leader makes statement on the war in Ukraine
Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China supports holding an International Peace Conference at an appropriate time, that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine

Xi Jinping is going on a European tour: what is the purpose of the visit and will it affect the war in Ukraine
​Chinese President Xi Jinping wants to repair relations with Europe and drive a wedge between the EU and the US

A landslide occurred on a highway in China, dozens of cars fell into the abyss. Photo.
A highway collapsed in China, trapping 18 cars under the rubble, killing and injuring people

Karma has come to the Kremlin's allies: large-scale flooding in China, 127 million people in danger
​The southern provinces of China have been hit by bad weather, with areas suffering from heavy rains and flooding. Nearly 20,000 people were evacuated from Qingyuan, and some power facilities in Zhaoqing were damaged, causing local power outages

Russia and China signed an agreement on military cooperation: ISW reveals the details
Moiseev and Hu discussed cooperation between the Russian and Chinese navies, and Moiseev will participate in the Western Pacific Naval Symposium in Qingdao on April 22-23

China and the United States are one step away from "war": technological dominance in the world is at stake
The US and China have begun to significantly limit the supply of microchips to the global market, which could lead to a shortage, causing damage to the global economy

The strongest earthquake in 25 years rocked Taiwan, there is a threat of tsunami
​On April 3, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 occurred in Taiwan. Four people died and and more than 700 injured

China is increasing its assistance to Russia: US intelligence releases important data
Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, China has been providing economic and security support to Russia

Russia prepares for China's attack: secret data on nuclear exercises has emerged
Russia trained various scenarios of a Chinese invasion and practiced the use of tactical nuclear weapons in case of necessity

"Dark days" for the Russian economy: how China, the UAE and Turkey stabbed Putin in the back
​Banks in China, UAE and Turkey stopped cooperation with Russian clients

"Black swans" have already flown to Putin: the economic crisis in China will affect Russia
The economic crisis in China will affect the whole world, particularly Russia, as the main exporter of raw materials to the PRC

Will untie China's hands: Pentagon warned of consequences of weakening aid to Ukraine
The Pentagon says that reducing aid to Ukraine will lead the U.S. to spend even more if Russia attacks NATO

Illusion of peace: Putin warned China of war in Ukraine for years
Putin told Xi Jinping that Russia was ready to continue war with Ukraine for another five years

A powerful earthquake struck China: more than 100 dead, hundreds injured, photos and videos
​At least 111 people were killed and more than 200 injured as a result of the earthquake in northwest China