Saturday, 15 June

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Putin suddenly proposed his 'peace plan': with a bunch of ultimatums

Putin said that Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions. He also mentioned Ukraine's neutral and non-nuclear status and the lifting of sanctions against Russia

How many missiles and Shahed drones were shot down during the night attack: Ukrainian Air Force

Air Defense Forces and means managed to destroy a total of 29 air targets, including 5 Russian missiles and 24 attack drones

US to transfer another Patriot Missile Battery to Ukraine

The new Patriot system will be deployed to Ukraine from Poland in the next several days

Russia launched a massive attack on Kyiv, all missiles and Shaheds were shot down

On the night of June 12, Russia launched a massive combined attack on Kyiv with cruise missiles and attack UAVs. All air targets were destroyed

Scholz promised to provide Ukraine with another Patriot system and a new aid package

​Germany plans to transfer the Patriot air defense system, another IRIS-T and Gepard systems in the coming months

Another Russian Su-34 crashes in North Ossetia

According to local residents unknown aircraft hit a rock near the village of Gorny Dzuarikau around midnight. The crew died in a crash

Zelensky will attend the Ukraine Recovery Conference and hold talks with Scholz

The President of Ukraine plans to discuss some critical aspects of assistance, including air defense and joint arms production

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