Monday, 3 June

Latest news – страница 14

The High Court of England and Wales has not recognized a final asset freeze against GNT Group owners - a counterclaim is being prepared
The Ukrainian holding, GNT Group, continues its legal dispute with Argentem Creek Partners and Innovatus, planning a counterclaim against the creditors' agent for a criminal conspiracy to take over the business of the Ukrainian holding and cause multimillion-dollar damages.

Spouses were killed in their own home: Russians struck Sumy Region, video
Two people were killed in an air strike in Sumy Region

Russians shot Ukrainian soldiers who were surrendering as prisoners of war: official statement of the Ombudsman
Dmytro Lubinets, Ukrainian Commissioner for Human Rights, reported the execution of AFU soldiers by Russian occupants in Bakhmut district

Russians shelled Nikopol: lots of destruction and fire
The enemy attacked Nikopol Region on the night of February​ 26, using kamikaze drones, heavy artillery and MLRS

Ancient history and modern scandals: what the Holosiivskyi Desert in Kyiv looks like now, photos
Archival photos of the Holosiivskyi Holy Intercession Monastery of the Moscow Patriarchate in Kyiv from the 1910s were shown online

Scattered nails and screws: Poles do not let trucks from Ukraine to pass, video
​Polish farmers who blocked the border with Ukraine scattered nails and screws all over the road

Counteroffensive, losses and a turning point year: Zelensky's main statements at the Forum on February 25
Main theses and statements of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the forum "Ukraine. Year 2024"

Part of the house was destroyed: how the high-rise building in Dnipro looks now after the attack of "Shaheds"
​Three apartments were destroyed and two damaged, 8 people injured as a result of Russian drone attack on a high-rise building in Dnipro

Iran faces severe sanctions: US makes statement on drone and missile shipments
The White House will announce a new sanctions against Iran in the coming days in response to its arms sales to Russia

'I'm ashamed to be a Westerner": British medic addressed with powerful message from the frontline
A military medic shamed the Western world for apathy and hesitation

Taurus missiles for Ukraine: Bundestag finally makes a decision
Bundestag decided to transfer Taurus missiles to Ukraine

Denmark signed a security agreement with Ukraine and announced a deadline for the transfer of F-16s
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced the signing of a 10-year security agreement with Ukraine and a new $250 million military aid package

The problem will disappear today: Tusk announced the unblocking of military and humanitarian cargo at the border
Donald Tusk promised to solve the problem of the blockade on the border with Ukraine

Targets that Ukraine can hit with F-16s: Stoltenberg made an important statement
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says Ukraine will have the right to strike Russian military targets outside Ukraine

'He's a crazy son of a b*tch': Biden spoke out about Putin in his campaign speech
U.S. President Joe Biden called Putin a "crazy son of a b*tch" and blamed him for Navalny's death

Seizure of frozen Russia's assets: International experts confirm the legality
Experts believe that the seizure of frozen Russian assets "would be lawful, under international law"

Meeting of epochs: the network remembered the iconic photo of Khreshchatyk in the 1920s
An archival photo capturing the "meeting of epochs" - a horse and buggy and an electric tram - was published online

Iran has transferred about 400 ballistic missiles to Russia: "there will be more shipments"
Iran has already sent several shipments of 400 surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missiles to Russia

Constant shelling and artillery strikes: Ukrainian fighter showed how they fought in Avdiivka
​Ukrainian fighter of 3rd Assault Brigade showed video taken before withdrawal from Avdiivka

Russia has found new loopholes to circumvent sanctions: two more countries have emerged
​Russian companies are offered to use Vietnam and Indonesia for business registration and financial transactions to bypass the sanctions imposed by the West

Russia is "deflating": Budanov predicted a counter-offensive, but not in 2024
Western leaders and analysts believe that if Ukraine can conduct a defense, depleting Russian forces, it will be able to launch another counteroffensive in 2025

"Sanctions" in action: 75% of US-made components found in DPRK missiles
75% of the chips in the North Korean missile, that hit Kharkiv, were made in the United States, 16% in the EU

Poland talks about additional restrictions on Ukrainian goods: what the Cabinet of Ministers think
Polish Deputy Minister of Agriculture said that he does not reject the option of a unilateral embargo on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine

He wandered in the forest for two weeks and ate grass: an amazing story with a happy ending in Cherkasy Region, photo
​On Feb. 20, a 39-year-old man who had been wandering in the woods and ate grass instead of food for almost two weeks was found in Cherkasy Region

Polish border blockade: Ukraine has found a way out to bypass obstacles on land
Ukraine plans to open an additional export route along the Danube River to bypass the blockade of the Polish border and increase grain exports to pre-war levels

"Each tractor driver receives €100": Ukrainian drivers revealed details of the border blockade in Poland
​Each Polish protester receives about €100 per day for participating in border protests

AFU downed another Russian fighter jet: details from the Air Force Commander
Ukrainian Air Force shoot down an enemy Su-34 fighter-bomber, killing the crew

Poles completely stopped the entry of buses and cars: list of blocked checkpoints
Polish protesters completely blocked three checkpoints on the border with Ukraine

Occupants shot captured Ukrainian soldiers near Robotyne: video of the crime
Russian troops executed 3 unarmed Ukrainian soldiers in Zaporizhzhia Region

Poles blocked the railroad at one of the checkpoints and scattered grain from the train car, video
Polish farmers blocked the railroad and poured grain out of a freight car near Medyka checkpoint

An endless stream of people: the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred are commemorated on Instytutska Street in Kyiv, photo report
Kyiv honors the memory of the Heavenly Hundred, participants of the Revolution of Dignity

Sweden will provide Ukraine with the largest military aid package: what the Armed Forces will receive
Sweden will provide combat boats to Ukraine in an aid package worth € 630 million

"This is not Brussels, we don't support Ukrainians": Poles organized an anti-Ukrainian coven at the border, video
During a rally near the Ukrainian border, Poles shouted that they do not support Ukrainians

The EU launched a naval mission against the Houthis: German frigate heads toward the Red Sea
The countries of the European Union will start a naval mission against the Yemeni Houthis

White House is considering the possibility of transferring long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine
Joe Biden presidential administration is considering the transfer of long-range missile systems (ATACMS) to Ukraine

They were completely surrounded: how the soldiers of the Third Assault Brigade left Avdiivka
Several units of the 3rd Assault Brigade were completely surrounded in Avdiivka, but managed to get out. No one was left at the Coke Plant

Very dangerous directions: where Russians can move troops from Avdiivka
Former company Сommander of the "Aidar" battalion Yevhen Dykyi noted that after capturing Avdiivka, Russians may move their forces to Kupyansk and Zaporizhzhia directions

'Putin's victory puts America at war': Trump's rival makes tough statement on aid to Ukraine
Nikki Haley, criticized Joe Biden for insufficient communication with Americans on the importance of supporting Ukraine

A 38-year-old Ukrainian woman was killed in Poland: the suspect detained
​A Ukrainian mother of three was brutally murdered in the Polish city of Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Lodz Voivodeship

"It's +8 °C in the apartment": residents of the center of Mariupol complained about the occupants
​Residents of the center of temporarily occupied Mariupol, Donetsk Region, complain about the lack of electricity and heat in their apartments. The occupation authorities ignore people's appeals.

Poles started blocking Ukrainian buses at the border: video
Polish protesters have stopped allowing even civilian buses to pass through

Ukrainian media under attack by Russians: who was targeted
​Russian hackers broke into the websites of a number of Ukrainian media sources and posted disinformation about the "defeat of elite AFU units in Avdiivka"

These people live in the 19th century: Polish political scientist spoke out about farmers' protests on the border with Ukraine
Polish political scientist said that Polish farmers are dependents who still live in the 19th century

"Don't give up": Navalny recorded a video in case of his death
The "death message" of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny calls on Russians "Don't be inactive"

Zelensky and Scholz sign important agreement on Ukraine's security
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz have signed a bilateral agreement on security cooperation

Putin killed him: Zelensky made a statement about Navalny's death
Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that Putin killed Alexei Navalny and said the Russian dictator should "lose everything"

One million shells for Ukrainian army: three EU countries blocked purchases
France, Greece and Cyprus blocked the purchase of ammunition for the AFU outside the European Union

Poles blocked another checkpoint: more than 1,700 trucks are waiting to enter Ukraine
Polish farmers began blocking traffic for trucks on the road in front of "Korczowa" checkpoint, next to Ukrainian "Krakivets"

Ukraine will receive funds from frozen Russian assets: the amount is announced
Ukraine may receive billions of dollars of frozen Russian assets from the EU - the first money could be received as early as this year

"King of hypocrisy": Trump makes new statement on Ukraine
​Donald Trump said he would do more to protect Ukraine than Joe Biden